Thursday, 30 January 2014

Find nth node from the end of singly linked list.

We need to find nth node from the end of the list.
nth node from end of linked list

Logic 1: Brute Force Approach

we take one node and count the remaining nodes from it. If it is n then 
it is desired node otherwise we point to next node .

Here we are maintaning two pointers.Thats why it has o(n^2) complexity.

time: O(n^2)
space: O(1)

Logic2: By Length

Here we first find the lenght of linked list say l.
Then we get node l-n+1, which is nth node from last node.
length is 5.
let say we want 2nd node from last.
So, move_dist=5-2+1=4
so we move upto 4th node from head and after moving , wtever node comes is
our desired node(here 4)

Time: O(n)
Space O(1)

Logic 3:By Two Pointers

we point two pointer to head say t1 and t2. Now we move t1 pointer
upto n move. t2 remains freeze. 
after t1’s move completed, we move both pointer until t1!=NULL.
t2 will point the desired node..

time: O(n)
space O(1)

best complexity:
order Complexity O(n)
space Complexity O(1)